Thank You for Your Prayers!

Dearest sisters in the Lord,

Thank you so much for your prayers for me while my sister-in-law was in town this past weekend.

Our gracious Lord and God heard your prayers and by the strength of Christ, I was able to stay on the altar and offer myself as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to our God!

It was much easier just being me (less to keep up with, that's for sure), than trying to be someone I believed would be worthy of acceptance and friendship. It was much easier for me to be who I am in Christ and not the image I attempted to set up for myself for others to view.

Because the Lord heard your prayers for me, we had an amazing weekend that will always remain dear in my heart!

Thank you, thank you, thank you from the top, bottom and middle of my heart!

Your love and prayers have surely blessed me and I know pleased our God who IS our Father!

eternally grateful for all of you,