Creating a pop-up music player for your site

As many of you have noticed, I've totally revamped the site and renamed it to: Abandoned to Christ (which has been my signature for years, so it just made sense).

I enjoy sharing content that the Lord leads for me, whether they be articles, Scripture pictures, photographs or anything else God gives me so I can create an atmosphere that rightly reveals the kindness, mercy, grace and peace of God that all His children should exhibit, whether in person or online.

I revamped my blog to a more simplistic, beautiful, user-friendly and easily navigable site. While you're here, I want you to enjoy your visit with some lovely music that will establish the same peace I try to maintain in my home.

The only problem I've found with music players is that every time you refresh the screen by moving from one article to another, the music player refreshes as well. So my youngest son, Kevin (Senior in high school) suggested I make my music player a pop-up so it won't refresh, but would rather continuously play, without interruption, while people visit my site.

I thought this was a grand idea! The only problem was finding out how to do this. I found information about how to put a music player on my blog as a widget, I also found how to make a pop-up window, but I couldn't find how to put them together and create it in such a way that the pop-up didn't keep popping up every time the page was refreshed as my visitors moved from page to page.

So after about 10 hours and two days of praying and working on it, the Lord kindly enabled me to mix and match, cut and paste javascript and cookie coding so I could provide you with soothing and beautiful background music...without interruption, without repeated uploads and with options for you to replay certain songs or my entire playlist.

If you don't see the pop-up music player, it's most likely because you have a pop-up blocker that you'll have to mark "allow all pop-ups for Abandoned to Christ". Also, I've created the cookie to pop-up only once per session. So if you close the pop-up music player rather than just minimize it, it won't pop-up again and play for you until you've closed your internet session started all over again.

Since I already did all the homework, I'm happy to share what I learned with all of you. So if you're a fellow Christian blogger and would like to offer this same wonderful option for your readers, just copy and paste this code below: