The Way of The Master - Season 3

Please watch the video above, which includes interviews by:

  • R.C. Sproul ~ Founder& Chairman 0f Ligonier Ministries
  • Joni Eareckson Tada ~ Founder, CEO of Joni & Friends
  • Dr. Tony Evans ~ Sr. Pastor, Oakcliff Bible Fellowship
  • Dr. D. James Kennedy ~ Founder, Coral Ridge Ministries
  • Dr. Ravi Zacharias ~ President, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM)

I'm so excited about this! If you've never watched Way of The Master (WOTM), you're really missing out! When we were introduced to this show several years ago, it just blew us away! We never realized how "easy" it was to evangelize! We didn't need to be a graduate of seminary, we didn't need to memorize a million Scriptures, we just needed to know the Ten Commandments and our personal testimony of God's gift of salvation through His one and only Son, Jesus Christ!

My family found such freedom in this. Does that mean evangelism isn't still a bit scary for us? NO! It still is, but at least we're no longer stifled by all of Satan's reasons and scare tactics of why we are not qualified to fulfill God's Great Commission:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
~ Matthew 28:19-20

We all often complain about all the "bad" stuff on television these days, well folks, here's some "good" television to watch! We've watched Seasons 1 & 2 and even purchased the Basic Training Course and worked on it together as a family in the evenings (it makes for a great evening family devotional!).

Due to the influence of WOTM, even both our teenage sons evangelize regularly at their public schools! As a matter of fact, God used WOTM as one of the tools to inspire our oldest son (who is now almost 16) to start S.W.A.T. Bible Club in his public school when he was in the seventh grade, and only 13 years old! By the power of the Holy Spirit, God directed Michael to write lesson plans for the students who came to the club as well as a leader's discussion guide for him and his Assistant Team Leader. We were very blessed as a family to see God move in such a young man to save the lost souls in his school; which opened the door for our entire family to share the Gospel with these students' families!

There were many students who thought they were saved just because they went to church, they had been baptized, or were just "good" people. But as Jesus said, "No one who is good, except God alone." So Michael faithfully shared the Gospel the way Jesus commanded us to, the way He did it and how He taught His disciples to do it: Law to proud, grace to the humble. Jesus always gave the Law to those who thought their own "goodness" could get them to Heaven, not to be mean, but out of compassion, He used the perfect Law of God to reveal to them that they were sinners and were in desperate need of a Savior, who alone is Jesus Christ. But to those whose hearts were already repentant and broken, He gave them the Good News, (the Gospel), as they were already convinced they were sinners in desperate need of a Savior.

All these students were so thankful to God for Michael as they realized that they could have been the "many" Christ spoke of when He said:

"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven. On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and cast out demons in Your name, and do many mighty works in Your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.' "
~ Matthew 7:21-23
(emphasis added)

Because Jesus said this, my heart is burdened and terrified for so many who think they are saved because of their "good works", but never repented of their sins, and fully trusted Jesus with their lives. The Bible says there are two days in which to find out this truth. That day (the day of Judgment) and This day (today). And as you can see, only one day is a good day to find out where you stand with God....and That day is not it.

We are so grateful and humbled that God so graciously gave us the gift of witnessing many come into a saving relationship with God, through repentance and faith in Jesus alone. And continue to thank God as He opened and continues to open many doors at my husband's office, providing him with great opportunities to share the Gospel.

God also continues to open doors for our boys at school, through sports and other activities they're involved in. And as a stay-at-home-mom, where is my portion of the "harvest field" I work? It's whereever I am! I witness to my neighbors, the Target store clerk, any grocery store and department store clerk, any person the Holy Spirit inspires me to speak with that happens to be shopping as well, or at the movie theater, malls, hospitals, (where I've spent a lot of time at for the past four years) doctor's offices....really, just anywhere I happen to be!

In order to help us, since evangelism is still a bit scary, we make sure we are always fully prepared with tracts to help us get started! As a matter of fact, I only purchases purses that are conducive for carrying tracts. My favorites are:

  • Million Dollar Bill
  • Giant Money
  • Curved Illusions (kids and parents LOVE this)
  • Smart Card
  • How to Live Forever...Without Being Religious
  • The Atheist Test
  • Test Your Reading Skills
  • Why Christianity?
  • Ticket to Heaven (un-tear-able)
  • The World's Ten Most Popular Things
  • Hell's Best Kept Secret & True and False Conversion CD
  • ¿Fres Una Persona Buena?
....okay, okay, so I have a lot of favorites! Instead of continuing to list them all, visit Living Waters store website and you can get some for yourselves! They also give you some fabulous tips on how to use them.

This a a Biblical, non-offensive and compassionate way to share the Gospel...but of course it is...this is how our Master and Lord Jesus Himself did it!

I could go on and on about all the great things God has done through WOTM, with Michael's S.W.A.T. Bible Club, at school, my husband's office, etc., but I think it's sufficient to leave it where the Apostle John left it:

"Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain all the books that would be written."
~ John 21:25

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