“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
~ 3 John 1:4
God is constantly so gracious to us!
How often I feel as if I will simply burst! This flesh is too weak to contain the joy, the immense pleasure and elation bubbling inside of me due to the incredible honor to live in the presence of my Creator! I am certain that’s why He will give us new bodies in Heaven, for now we only see in part, but then we will see Him as He Is, in His full glory; and I am confident, this frail physical form, will not be able to survive in the fullness of my Savior, Jesus Christ.
It is up to my darling husband and two teenage boys to care for me and the household, as I recover from my surgery. I have been home for less than a week, and have already witnessed the miracle of God’s handiwork in the hearts of my family I’ve never had the privilege of knowing before now. And I am so grateful to God for choosing to reveal to me the secret things He has been doing in the hearts of my husband and boys.
It is up to my darling husband and two teenage boys to care for me and the household, as I recover from my surgery. I have been home for less than a week, and have already witnessed the miracle of God’s handiwork in the hearts of my family I’ve never had the privilege of knowing before now. And I am so grateful to God for choosing to reveal to me the secret things He has been doing in the hearts of my husband and boys.
“The friendship [secret counsel] of the LORD is for those who fear Him, and He makes known to them His covenant.”
With joy, my husband helps me with everything from giving me my pain meds before I can get out of bed in the morning, to helping me get up, sit down, serve me every drink, food, book or any little thing I need. I very rarely move out of this seat I am presently sitting in and think it has taken the shape of my body by now. Without any hesitation, my darling husband gets up instantly with great delight at my every call and need. The laundry has been done; the house is clean and in order. If I get up, I am instantly sat back down. I am only allowed my necessary walks around the house or out to the mailbox to aid in my healing. I breathe into my little lung machine to keep my respiratory strength, and that’s about it for the day. And, oh how I am gaining more strength daily! But of course – it’s due to the fact that my joy in the Lord is increasing daily! And that which is physical always follows after that which is spiritual.
And what has the LORD done in the hearts of my children as they witness Christ’s love so perfectly demonstrated through my husband? Both my boys have taught themselves how to cook! They clean everything, and cook for me during the day.
I am served ham and cheese toaster sandwiches, breaded cheese balls, spaghetti, and have even been offered to have chicken parmigiana made for me. The boys have determined to go to bed early, so they may rise early to have their praise and quiet time with the LORD before they serve me in the morning. They said they’re doing this because whether I am awake yet or not, they want to be ready to serve me, first thing.
Last night, one of our oldest son’s friends dropped off some food his mom had made for our family. He then invited our oldest son to play basketball with him and another friend. Our son returned about an hour and a half before his curfew stating, “It was fun, but I don’t think I’ll be doing that again.” I asked why and he answered, “Well, Mama, I like hanging out with my friends, and maybe it would’ve been fine if we hung out during the day. But at night, I’d really rather be home with my family. I like being here better and really missed everyone. I need to be here at night. Being with friends is okay, but I just like being here with my family better. And that’s how I like to end my day.”
A teenage son doesn’t say that, nor do two teenagers behave this way because they have great parents. No this is a miracle and can only be accomplished by children who know the Lord and have tasted and seen that He is good. Compared to the Lord, the world and all it has to offer is, well…as our oldest son put it – just, okay.
To have a husband who loves me like Christ loves the Church, two teenage boys who sacrifice with joy and great pleasure to serve me….this is not from man, no this is a miracle and only God works miracles. And I get to be the humbled and honored recipient of such a great work of God!
Is there any greater joy than knowing the LORD? No, there is most certainly not! The more I know about my awesome God, the greater my joy increases! For although one of the greatest joys is to know that our children are walking in truth, there is no joy that surpasses knowing Christ Jesus, my Savior who is my Life!

And what has the LORD done in the hearts of my children as they witness Christ’s love so perfectly demonstrated through my husband? Both my boys have taught themselves how to cook! They clean everything, and cook for me during the day.
I am served ham and cheese toaster sandwiches, breaded cheese balls, spaghetti, and have even been offered to have chicken parmigiana made for me. The boys have determined to go to bed early, so they may rise early to have their praise and quiet time with the LORD before they serve me in the morning. They said they’re doing this because whether I am awake yet or not, they want to be ready to serve me, first thing.
Last night, one of our oldest son’s friends dropped off some food his mom had made for our family. He then invited our oldest son to play basketball with him and another friend. Our son returned about an hour and a half before his curfew stating, “It was fun, but I don’t think I’ll be doing that again.” I asked why and he answered, “Well, Mama, I like hanging out with my friends, and maybe it would’ve been fine if we hung out during the day. But at night, I’d really rather be home with my family. I like being here better and really missed everyone. I need to be here at night. Being with friends is okay, but I just like being here with my family better. And that’s how I like to end my day.”
A teenage son doesn’t say that, nor do two teenagers behave this way because they have great parents. No this is a miracle and can only be accomplished by children who know the Lord and have tasted and seen that He is good. Compared to the Lord, the world and all it has to offer is, well…as our oldest son put it – just, okay.
To have a husband who loves me like Christ loves the Church, two teenage boys who sacrifice with joy and great pleasure to serve me….this is not from man, no this is a miracle and only God works miracles. And I get to be the humbled and honored recipient of such a great work of God!
Is there any greater joy than knowing the LORD? No, there is most certainly not! The more I know about my awesome God, the greater my joy increases! For although one of the greatest joys is to know that our children are walking in truth, there is no joy that surpasses knowing Christ Jesus, my Savior who is my Life!
“Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ.”
~ Philippians 3:8
(emphasis added)